It was an emotional farewell to a Phoenix police
detective killed in the line of duty a week ago.
He and his partner were shot by a fugitive -- also
killed by return fire. The officer's partner
Detective John Hobbs' wife and three children walked
proudly behind his casket and into his service.
"This is the hardest thing I've ever done," said Det.
Mike Miller. "John was a great cop. Probably the
best I've ever worked around. John was an even
greater man, father and husband and a friend."
Detective Miller was there when a wanted suspect
shot Hobbs. On the ground -- a bullet in his heart
-- Hobbs kept shooting to save his partners' lives.
"Even at that moment, John wanted to know if I was
okay and if A.J. was okay," said Miller.
Then Hobbs made one last request.
"John made me promise him to tell his wife and his
kids that he loves them and never allow them to
forget that he loves them all," said Miller.
After an 11-mile procession to Phoenix Memorial
Park, Chief Daniel Garcia presented Hobbs' widow
with a flag, then a hero was laid to rest.
"John didn't just talk the talk. He showed the
strength and character of a brave and courageous
man. On this day, he personified everything it means
to be a guardian, a protector," said Sgt. Bob Knapp.
"Today I am even more proud to wear this uniform and
this badge. I am honored to have called him my
partner and I am honored to have called him my
"John was one of the best men I've ever known. If
you were lucky enough to meet John Hobbs, your life
was better because of it," said Miller.
And the other detective shot during the shootout was
at Monday's funeral.
Hobbs worked for the department's Major Offender
Bureau, helping catch wanted fugitives. |
鳳凰城發生警匪槍戰,警局幹員冒著生命危險與匪徒駁火。 John T.
Hobbs最終犧牲,鳳凰城警察英勇行為感動市民,中餐館會鄧朝駒籌款捐給受難者家屬. |